Because rivers can’t protect themselves from human interference, non-profit organizations including American Whitewater fight for them by petitioning governments and organizing clean-ups. Our club donates money to organizations that we feel are worthy of our support. Club members are also asked to consider contributing directly to these groups by clicking on the organization's name below.
Our total contributions for fiscal year 2025:
American Rivers $300.
American Whitewater $1500. All Keel-hauler Members can get $10 off their yearly AW membership dues. AW's website and river stewardship projects are funded through memberships. Please join or renew today by clicking AW’s link.
Friends of the Cheat $1000.
Friends of the Crooked River $100.
Friends of the New River Gorge $100.
Grand Canyon Private Boaters $150.
Mountain Watershed Assoc. - Yough Defense Fund $500.
Nature Conservancy $100.
Portage Park District $100.
River Network $100.
Stonycreek -Special Donation to sponsor a dam release this year $600.
WV Rivers Coalition $300.
Additional Conservation Donations $600.
Why We Should Support AW
AW is the very best organization fighting for river access and scheduled water releases from existing dams. They need all the help you can provide to continue their service.
Click Picture above to Join and Donate to American Whitewater
Questions? Suggestions for donations? Please contact our Conservation Chair, Kristen Walters Maag.