Keel Haulers River Ratings

These are the generally accepted river ratings for normal water levels indicated. Weather and water conditions can drastically alter the nature and difficulty of any river. Water level is extremely critical and it should be determined prior to accepting these general river guidelines. Ratings are not a substitute for careful scouting and a realistic evaluation of one's own paddling skills. Ratings are indicative of the paddler skill level required to attempt the entire section not just the difficulty of individual rapids. 

Classification of Rivers 

Basis of River Ratings

  • Average Gradient
  • Maximum Gradient
  • Volume river vs Gradient
  • Width of River
  • Ease of Rescue
  • Inaccessibility
  • Difficulty of Rapids
  • Continuousness and/or rapid length
  • Obstacles, rocks, trees, undercuts
  • Water Temperature

International Rating Definitions

International River Rating Vs. Keel-Hauler Rating

  • International
  • I
  • II
  • III
  • IV
  • V
  • VI
  • Keel-Hauler
  • 0 - 7
  • 8 - 14
  • 15 - 25
  • 26 - 33
  • 34 - 37
  • 38 - 42

When Comparing Two River Sections

A lower rating does not mean that you can't run a harder section, only that you will be much more challenged

  • +/- 1 point   - Very Similar
  • +/- 2 points - Noticeable Difference
  • +/- 3 points - Meaningful Difference
  • +/- 5 points - Profound Difference

The river rating information is presented as a spreadsheet so that you may sort and filter it to suit or needs. Even save a copy locally if you would like!

If you are on a mobile device (or want to open this in Google Sheets), click here to open the ratings spreadsheet within the Google Sheets app.

* If a record has an asterisk, the rating is based upon a short portage of rapid(s) that would otherwise significantly increase the rating.

Please send opinions and corrections to John Kobak - Keel-Haulers Canoe Club E-Mail to Webmaster.

River ratings from other sources

AWA's Examples of Class I-III Rated Rapids

AWA's Examples of Class IV Rated Rapids

AWA's Examples of Class V Rated Rapids

California Creekin'- California River Ratings