Join the Club!

Membership Dues are $20.00 Per Year

  • To join please hit the “Sign Up” button below.

  • Create an account with your preferred contact email, and enter your payment method.

  • The membership will operate on a subscription based service, you will be automatically charged each year at the time you signed up, and will not have to manually renew. If you’d like to cancel your membership, login to your account and cancel whenever you’d like. If you get charged before you cancel, we can easily issue you a refund.

  • If you would like to pay by cash or check, please email the membership team below.
    We are working on establishing a P.O. Box.

Questions or concerns? Contact

Keel-Haulers Canoe Club Membership
Every year

Your yearly membership helps us continue to provide resources to whitewater paddlers. This includes pool sessions, pavilions at events, training, conservation donations and community outreatch.

All Keel-Hauler Members can get $10 off their yearly AW membership dues. If you would like to join (or renew) your AW membership on-line, check the box Affiliate Club Discounted Personal Membership - $25 Here's the Link for Joining AW on-line